What I realized about life is that it’s a constant journey of ups and downs, adjustments, changes, and lessons. Understanding that is very crucial when creating a self-care routine that works. Instead of being too hard on yourself, it helps to have practices to rely on to get through if…
5 Ways To Incorporate Self-Care Into Your Routine
Beauty is an inward and outward thing in my opinion. In order for me to really shine, I need to feel, look and do good. But in order to do that, I have to make sure self-care is a priority in my life. Everyone’s definition of self-care is different and…
What I Learned About Blogging In 2019
My blog turned 2 years old this November. I didn’t do anything big, I simply took a look at my growth acknowledged and congratulated myself and kept working. Blogging is a tough job. It’s more than just writing and posting a few pics on the Gram. It more like self-discovery,…
Four Words That Are Essential For My Self-Care
Self-care has been a growing discussion over the past few years and honestly, I’m so grateful for it. I’ve dealt with feelings that I haven’t really been able to explain or identify before the mental health became such a huge concern. As I got older, I became anxious about my…
Living Your Passion And Finding Self-Awareness
Living your passion and finding self-awareness may not sound like the easy thing to do. If you would have asked me if I could see myself having troubles with this a year ago, I would have said, girl no! It’s a different thing today. Blogging and being in the social media space…